8 Healthy Tips to Help Survive the Holidays -Sarah Coleman

“Tis the season!  With the holidays come joy and cheer!  Happiness and giving!  Health and new goals!  But for some, the holidays can be particularly tough times.  The struggle is real and can lead to weight gain, relapse, depression, isolation, and over commitment.  Let’s take the struggle out and put the joy back in THIS holiday season.  Here are 8 tips to keep you happy, healthy and sober!


1.     Exercise-Move everyday whether it is 10 burpees every morning, a dog walk, or your favorite gym class.  Sticking to a routine or daily regimen is the best thing you can do for yourself and therefore, others around you.  It is scientifically proven to lead to better results and sustained happiness.  No excuses!

2.     Rock it out-Music can really put you in a fabulous mood.  Don’t be afraid to jam out when the stress hits.  Put on your favorite hit and dance it out.  Sometimes just listening to Thunder by Imagine Dragons can cure any gloom you may have.

 3.     Plan an escape route-At a party, have a way out for both social pressures and over socializing.  Give yourself a timeline and stick with it.  Also, think about keeping your hands full.  Have a glass of soda water in your hand at all times to help distract you.  And, drive your own car!

4.     Get to know the buffet line-Before you eat or drink, check out the options!  Is the punch spiked?  Are there healthier food options??  Is there one treat you must have??  Overeating can cause weight gain and/or lead to other addictive behaviors.  If you are abstaining from drinking, bring your own holiday NA drink. 

5.     Have a support system-Lean on friends and family. Have daily check-ins to hold yourself accountable.  Don’t be shy, attend an AA meeting or a gym class or a local art show wherever you are for the holidays.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to stick to your routine.  And, you might just make a new friend.

6.     Self-care-Self care looks different to everyone.  Get to know what eases the stress of a day for you.  Meditation, yoga, breathwork, a positive phone call, cooking a meal for someone (giving back reminds us that the holidays are about others too), asking for help, taking the dog out, fresh air, a cupcake, and the list goes on.  Self-care can be very simple but is very important. 

7.     Plan some activities, plan some down time-This one is very important.  You need to keep yourself busy but not too busy.  Sounds a little contradictory, right?  Give yourself a few social outings to attend but don’t overwhelm yourself.  If you tend to isolate, set a number of activities to do each week.  If you overbook, set some downtime for every day. 

8.     Set some goals- Tis the season, right?!  Make one goal RIGHT now for the rest of the month.  Write it down on a sticky note and put it on the bathroom mirror.  Look at it every day.  CONQUER IT!  Then, set another one!

Happy Holidays!!


December Newsletter - Marci Mattox