A Dog’s Life For Me - Q&A from a life well lived -Sarah Coleman

1.     I was given the name, Opal Bernadette Francine Bacon Coleman-Nielson.  And yes, I agree with my grandmother Sally, they should have saved some for more for the next dog.  Although it seems natural to call me Opal, they choose Bernie or B or actually even derivative that rhymes of remotely sounds like that.  People always think I am a boy.  Little do they know I am a actually a Spanish speaking dog named Mika.  I guess when you are adopted THEY get to choose.

2.      I love my birthday!  I get so many treats, a bag of balls, and a new collar every year.  I was born November 21, 2010 and my silly mother also celebrates my half birthday in May once again showered with treats and usually some doggie ice cream.

3.     I really like the cool garage floor with the TV on (Dad likes to leave on MSNBC which usually puts me to sleep.  Mom likes Cooking Network which usually puts me to sleep).  I don’t like thunder and lightning.  I am your typical girl who likes long walks and lots of rubbing ;)  I like to sit in funny places (if you need an idea for your second book, Places My Dog Sits, I could be your muse).  I don’t like fireworks.  Swimming, OMG, I love swimming.  I love chasing Mom and Dad on skis.  I love getting in the bed and 330 in the morning but man, I hate getting kicked out of bed at 345 in the morning.  I love waking up at 645 in the bed in the morning. 

4.     My favorite activity or pastime, duh!  Didn’t you read the last response?  But I do really love swimming.

5.     Home alone??  I often try to see what different objects taste like.  Pens, lotion, tampons, nothing really exciting.  There is rarely any bacon to taste.  I like to see how many different positions I can get my dog bed in and how many sticks I can collect on my very short leash.  Then, after that 5 minutes is up, I bark a few times and take a nap.  Repeat over and over and over again until the parents get home.  Damn, I wish I could reach the TV remote.

6.     I often dream of having a brother but that would mean sharing and I am perfectly ok with being an only child.  I do like my cousins Brew and Kaleb to come play. 

7.     Spring!!  It smells so good.  I get to be outside ALL day.  I get to roll in stinky stinky stuff and then get a really nice massage bath.  Once I got this twice in one day.  Did I mention I get to be outside?  Also, swimming.  I love swimming.

8.     Don’t take my bone.  Don’t bring my inside.  These things really annoy me.  Also, don’t pretend to be asleep in the morning.  I saw you open your one eye, look at me, and pretend to be sleeping.  I am not dumb.  Ps… I am NOT a boy!

9.     Rest is underrated.  No need to hurry.  Unless you want to run, run fast.  And, if you see water, enjoy it… drink it, lay in it, you know when life gives you water, go swimming.

10.   I am a rescue dog.  You can only imagine the day they came to get me.  I got to ride home in a jeep with dad.  They had toys and new foods and my aunt Shannon even brought balloons.  It was a good day.  I celebrated by putting all my new toys in my water dish.  It was awesome.

11.   Bacon!  Bacon!  Bacon!  I mean it is my middle name.  I don’t get this often or really at all so, I would have to say carrots, veggies, lots of “healthy” kitchen scraps, gluten-free sweet potato treats (yes, I am a gluten-free dog), and, well, I like treats and I am good with anything they give me except kale.  Kale is gross.  And I do love frosty paws and a bully stick!  We could really write a whole chapter on my treat intake but I won’t bore you with all the details.

12.   Mom says I am an afternoon pet.  Dad says I am a morning pet.  I sleep a lot.

13.   Advice for new pet families:  First, don’t be a new pet in my family.  I mentioned early, I like being an only pet.  My parents struggled with my name, please name your pet a simple name and on the first day.  As for rules, all rules are flexible.  Please see our NO DOGS in the bed policy.

14.   A really cool story about our family.  First, I am not the first golden retriever to live in the house.  Franklin Delano Dog came before me and he is some big paws to fill.  When he passed, my parents got some flower seeds to plant in his memory.  They never bloomed.  However, the day I came home I had to taste the plant (of course).  Within days, flowers bloomed like crazy.  Who is the favorite dog now bitches??  RIP Frank Dog!


hab·it/ˈhabət/START SMALL. START NOW. -Marci Mattox


8 Meal Prep Hacks -Sarah Coleman