How bumpy is your ride -Marci Mattox

Wellness Wheel Exercise:

This wheel contains eight sections that, together, represent one way of describing a whole life. You may have other labels/categories or you may want to delete/divide a category. The structure is up to you. This exercise measures your level of satisfaction in each area. It is not a picture of how it has been in the past or what you want it to be in the future. It is a snapshot taken in the moment. It is not a report card on how well you have performed or what you have achieved.

The emphasis is on your level of fulfillment in each area and the level of balance in your life. The eight sections in the wheel represent different aspects of your life. Seeing the center of the wheel as 1 and the out edges as 10 (10 is highly satisfied and 0 is not satisfied at all), rank your level of satisfaction with each life area by drawing a straight/curved line to create a new outer edge. The new perimeter represents YOUR wellness wheel.

This is NOT about getting all 10s! It’s about a “Smoother Ride”. If this wheel were a tire on your car, how bumpy would the ride be??


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