Monthly Road Stop: Self-Care is not Selfish

Monthly, we will post a new awesome way to help you meet your goals. One month, one goal!

Keep it simple, make it doable, and get it done!

Don’t let this be something else to add to your plate or stress you out. Fit in in your life in an appropriate way. And, you have the WHOLE month. Reach out with questions!

Steps to setting a goal:

1.            Make sure this goal motivates YOU-this means that it is important to you and there is value in achieving it

2.           Set SMART goals






3.           Write goal down-this way you can see it daily

4.          Share your goal-this helps hold you accountable

5.           Make a plan on how to attack this goal and celebrate it

 A few tips:

Self-care is NOT selfish. Self-care is NOT a luxury. Self-care is NOT easy. Self-care is VERY important. When it comes to self-care, we often think about things like massages and/or lots of downtime (although both are great). We think that we might not have time for extra pampering or taking care of ourselves. We have all heard the words, “please put on your own mask first before helping others”, right?! This means that we can NOT begin to care for others (or our work or our to-do list or our sanity) if we aren’t taking care of ourselves. Here are a few simple (and maybe different) tips to get some well-deserved and much-needed self-care in YOUR life.


1.            Have a large glass of water first thing in the morning. Start the day hydrated and ready to rock.

2.           Take a new route to work to mix it up. Maybe even choose a different mode of transportation. Have some work to do, take the bus. Need some fresh air, ride a bike. Need some connection or gossip time, carpool with a friend.

3.           Take a break in your day. Give yourself 5mins (it is ONLY 5mins) to dance, sing, walk in the grass, close your eyes, or pet the dog.

4.          Cross something off the list! Sign up for the class, make a spreadsheet to reduce your debt, schedule that much-needed appointment.

5.           Write down one thing that you are GRATEFUL for right now! The attitude of gratitude is awesome on MANY levels.


Plan it out:

Monthly self-care goal: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

 Plan to attack it: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Accountability: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 How will you celebrate the goal: _______________________________________________




Monthly recipe: Shakshuka


Who are you actually feeding - Anna Lundeen