Meet Keely

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Keely Pemberton is the founder of Wink Wellness, a practice focused on helping people experience their best night's sleep. 10 years ago she discovered her passion for health and wellness, when on her own healing journey with a holistic, whole foods approach.

During this exploration, she was intrigued by the significance of the mind and body in healing and wanted to learn more. At that point, she became a certified yoga instructor and Reiki Practitioner Level One. Realizing the benefit of these practices combined with the power of nutritious whole foods, she became a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. From this experience, she was drawn to the importance of sleep and its effects on health and well-being.

Her goal at Wink Wellness is to guide others in sleeping soundly and waking up refreshed by optimizing nutrition, movement, and mindfulness routines.


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